Our online and on-site workshops are carefully crafted with your academic needs in mind to help you improve your academic life in a number of areas – from time management to becoming a disciplined student to preparing for final exams. Use the links in the sections below to enroll in our online seminars or request a free ticket to one of our on-site workshops.

Our workshops are carefully crafted with your academic needs in mind to help you improve your academic life in a number of areas – from time management to becoming a disciplined student to preparing for final exams.

Our award winning Online Hackademic Series workshops allow you the opportunity to complete one or more of our topics at your own leisure and pace. The interactive online workshops are available through the REACH Online Hackademic Series Workshops Blackboard organization.

All Freshman and Sophomores are automcatically added to the Online Hackademic Series Workshops Blackboard organization. If you are a freshman or sophomore and do not have access please complete our online request form.

Workshop Topics:

The Quest For Time

A gamified approach to learning how to manage your time effectively.

Textbook Reading

Learn how to utilize reading systems and legitimate "shortcuts" that can help you get more from reading textbooks.

Taking Effective Notes

Learn viable options for taking notes in class and know what information to include in notes. Also understand why note taking is important and know how taking and using notes can increase your learning.

Acing the Test

Learn to organize, reinforce, rehearse, and distribute study to get maximum benefit from your efforts.

Unlocked: Studying Smarter

Learn general study skills and metacognitive strategies that will help you study smarter and get more from your study time.

Becoming a Disciplined Student

Being a Self-Disciplined Student - is in no way an impossible feat. During this course you will learn what you can do to enhance your interpersonal skills. Forget about how well you do in math or science, reading or the arts. This lesson focuses on YOU and how you can make small changes to improve your performance as a student.

How Mindset and Emotional Intelligence Affect Learning

Are you ready to take a new look at how you approach learning, how you manage yourself and your relationships? Well hang on because we are about to go on a journey with the destination being mental clarity and a positive outlook towards growing and putting your best foot forward in order to get to where you want to go.

Grit: Building Your Resiliency!

In this workshop you will learn what does it mean to be successful, what grit and resilience mean and why is this important, and how these relate to a growth mindset?

Seven and a Half Lesson About the Brain

The brain controls nearly everything you do. Whether sleeping, running, breathing, thinking, talking, or feeling—your brain calls the shots. But how much do you really know about it? This workshop will explore these questions and more.

Request access to the online workshops:
Are you a Freshman or Sophomore at UofL?
Hack(verb): to make use of a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing or managing something.


REACH is a unit of Strategic Enrollment Management & Student Success

BAB 2nd Floor - 502-852-6706