Academic Coaching

What is Academic Coaching?

Academic coaching is a service for students who want to improve their academic and self-management skills, such as time management, organization, test taking and other study skills. REACH offers this support to help students achieve their academic goals along with self-advocacy and independent, life-long learning. The plan and content of each individual coaching session is determined by the student and the coach to identify the student's unique learning strengths, develop individual plans for academic support, and promote self-confidence and independence. All undergraduate students at the University of Louisville are eligible to participate in Academic Coaching. All sessions are conducted by appointment and are confidential.

Potential Coaching Topics

Fixed/Growth Mindset

Time Management

Test Taking

Task Management

Life Skills

Goal Setting

Using the Study Cycle


Textbook Reading

How to Sign Up for an Academic Coaching Appointment

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in with your UofL Microsoft Login Credentials (ex. and your UofL password if prompted
  3. Complete the Student Consent for Text Alerts prompt after signing in
  4. Look for the Schedule Academic Coaching Appointment
  5. Either choose Find first available immediately or select Chose a Date and Center
  6. Next Select an Academic Coaching Topic (Ex. Academic Coaching - Academic Anxiety).
  7. The system will then show you the appointments that are available for that topic.
  8. Select the time you would like to meet each week
  9. Some availability will allow you to choose between online or in-person tutoring. If that is an option be sure to select the Is Online checkbox
  10. Click Confirm.
  11. You will receive a email confirmation and receive reminders by email and text messaging if you opted in for text alerts.

REACH is a unit of Strategic Enrollment Management & Student Success

BAB 2nd Floor - 502-852-6706