Need a Tutor?

Does REACH offer tutoring for my course?

REACH provides tutoring for a variety of 100, 200, and some 300 level courses. To see if we offer tutoring for your course use the table below. Courses are listed alphabetically. You can also utilize the search feature to search for your class. To best use the search feature search by course abbreviation and number. For example: to search for Biology 102 section 2, you could search for BIOL 102-02.

For scheduled appointments we need at least 24 hours lead time. Some appointments will take longer to get scheduled.

How do I search for drop-in sessions in TracCloud?

TracCloud link

How do I search for scheduled appointments in TracCloud?

TracCloud link
ICLCA Learning Center of Excellence Award

REACH is a unit of Strategic Enrollment Management & Student Success

BAB 2nd Floor - 502-852-6706