GEN 103 & 104

What is GEN 103 & 104?

GEN 103 and GEN 104 review Algebra content and math study strategies with curriculum specifically designed for entry-level University of Louisville mathematics courses for STEM and non-STEM majors. Non-STEM majors (GEN 103) require MATH 105 or another QR course, and STEM majors (GEN 104) require MATH 111 or a MATH course other than MATH 105.

Students receive 3 hours of college credit (elective credit only) for the GEN 103 or GEN 104 course.

GEN 103 and GEN 104 are open-ended; students can complete their required course curriculum and demonstrate mathematics competency through testing at any time.

A student who is unable to demonstrate competency in one semester will be required to register again for GEN 103 or GEN 104 for a subsequent semester and until the student has achieved the competency. Students can test for possible placement into entry-level math courses throughout the semester.

Course components include the following:

  • Customized curriculum.
  • Computer-aided instruction with online homework and assessments.
  • One-on-one assistance from mathematics tutors and instructors.
  • Topics required for subsequent credit-bearing QR and MATH courses.
  • Hawkes Online Courseware
  • Emporium Math Lab (EML)

Do I need to take GEN 103 or 104?

Which Math Course Can I Enroll In?

Enter your test scores into to fields below to determine the highest level math course that you placed into. If you do not have a score for a particular test level the value as "0"

If you do not have an ACT Math score please leave value as 0
If you do not have an SAT Math score please leave value as 0
If you do not have an ACCU ARTH score please leave value as 0
If you do not have an ACCU QRAS score please leave value as 0
If you do not have an ACCU AAF score please leave value as 0

I Can Enroll In:

The top most course is the highest level math you can enroll in.

Math 205

Math 180, 190

Math 109 & 111

Math 151

Math 105, 106, QR: ANTH 111

QR courses outside of Mathematics/ Engineering (currently COMM 255, CJ326, GEOG 256, HSS 377, PHST 200, PSYC 205, URBS 303/SUST 303)

GEN 104

GEN 103

Save time & money

Register to take or retake the Accuplacer Math exam to potentially place into a higher level math course.

GEN 103/104 Course Sequence

GEN 103:

Special Topics for Non-STEM Majors

MATH 105

or QR course outside of Math/Engineering

GEN 104:

Special Topics for STEM Majors

MATH 111:

College Algebra or 107, 109, 112, 151

GEN 103/104 Course Sequence

GEN 103:

Special Topics for Non-STEM Majors

MATH 105

or QR course outside of Math or Engineering

GEN 104:

Special Topics for STEM Majors

MATH 111:

College Algebra or 107, 109, 112, 151

Mathematics/QR Course Placement Criteria

University of Louisville 2023-24AY
Math Course ACT Math Sub-score needed for initial placement New SAT I Math Sub-score needed for initial placement Next-Generation Accuplacer
GEN 103 0 - 18 260 - 500 ARTH: 200-262
GEN 104 19 - 36 510 - 800 ARTH: 263-300
QR courses outside of Mathematics/ Engineering (currently COMM 255, CJ326, GEOG 256, HSS 377, PHST 200, PSYC 205, URBS 303/SUST 303) 19 - 36 510 - 800 ARTH: 263-300
Math 105, 106, QR: ANTH 111 20 – 36 520 – 800 QRAS: 237-300
Math 151 21-36 530 - 800 QRAS: 250-300
Math 109 & 111 22 - 36 540 – 800 QRAS: 263-300
Math 180, 190 25 - 36 590 - 800 AAF: 250-300
Math 205 27 - 36 640 - 800 AAF: 276-300
GEN 103/104 Notes:

Prerequisite Note: Successful completion of MATH 105 or QR courses outside of Mathematics/Engineering DOES NOT qualify a student for any higher numbered MATH course such as Math 109, 111, 180, 190 etc.

Engineering Note: This table does not included QR courses in Engineering

ACT Note: ACT scores are good for two years for placement in a math course.

Registering for the Accuplacer Math Exam

Students whose scores on the ACCUPLACER Next Generation ARTH exam are between 200-262 will be required to register for GEN 103 and those who score between 263-300 will be required to register for GEN 104.


There are curently 4 options for taking the Accuplacer at the University of Louisville.

ANYTIME (through Examity)


At your convenience, including weekends, evenings

  • Make sure you have a computer, web cam, high speed internet connection, and private, undisturbed environment to test.
  • Register for your exam/voucher before scheduling your test with Examity. Allow up to 2 business days to receive your voucher. If you haven't received the voucher after 2 business days, please call Testing Services at 502-852-6606 to request the voucher processing.
  • After you receive your voucher by email from Accuplacer, you will be directed to the Examity website to schedule.



Monday - Friday between 7 am - 5 pm for out of town students ONLY by appointment.

  • If you reside in Bullitt, Hardin, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer or Trimble Counties you are NOT eligible for the ZOOM option.



Monday – Thursday between 7 am – 5 pm on UofL's campus by appointment.

  • Check with your High School Counselor for "excused absence" permission. During testing appointment, ask staff for "excuse note".

  • Visit our Directions & Parking link for more information about how to get here. Parking $5+

WAIVER (take it for free)


Must meet qualifications for free and reduced lunch.

  • Call Testing Services at 502-852-6606 for verification and scheduling. Examity not an option with waiver.

The MATH Accuplacer test consists of 3 sections (20+ questions each). You must score a 276 or higher on each section to advance to the next section. The test starts out with Arithmetic, if you score 276+ you advance to Quantitative Reasoning and finally to Advanced Algebraic Functions. You MUST always start with the Arithmetic section when taking the math Accuplacer. Unless you are retesting, in which you can start in the last section you completed with a score of 276 or higher.


Since there are a limited number of Accuplacer sessions, once you schedule your appointment time, reschedule at least 48 hours prior to your appointment to avoid the NO SHOW penalty. If you miss your appointment time or are over 15 minutes late, you MUST reschedule your testing appointment with Examity and will be required to pay their $25 testing fee.


Students are allowed to retest on Accuplacer once advised by their advisor/testing staff about their scores and corresponding course placement. You may retest on either/both the Math or Reading Accuplacer.

The testing fee will be collected upon each administration according to the option used for testing


Students with SAT, ACT, KYOTE or Accuplacer scores older than one year should register to take the Accuplacer for a more accurate math course placement.

ADA Accommodations:

If you have received ADA accommodations such as reduced distraction, a reader or a scribe from U of L's Disabilities Resource Center (502-852-6938), please call our office BEFORE scheduling any exam.

The ACCUPLACER placement exams are UNTIMED, so no ADA accommodations are required for extended time candidates.

You should always check with your Academic Advisor if you have questions and before registering for classes.

Studying for the Accuplacer

The free ACCUPLACER study app features official practice tests in each subject that you can take on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. The format is just like the real ACCUPLACER tests, and you’ll get immediate feedback with answer explanations for both correct and incorrect answers.

Accessing the Accuplacer Study Materials
Step 1: Get the Study App


Prev Next
Step 2: Create an Accuplacer Study Account

In order to utilize the Accuplacer Study app you will need to create an account with Accuplacer.


Prev Next
Step 3: Choose the Test Type

The University of Louisville only offers the Accuplacer Next-Generation test. Select the Next-Generation Practice Tests.


Prev Next
Step 4: Choose which test to study for

Based on the test(s) you need to take, choose the Accuplacer exam you want to practice studying for:

  • Reading
  • Arithmetic
  • Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics
  • Advanced Algebra and Functions

Select Learn As You Go to get immediate feedback or Sample Test to practice taking the Accuplacer.



The role of campus advisors

  • Advisors play a crucial role by ensuring that students who do not meet college readiness indicators register for the appropriate intervention math class based on test scores and the students’ majors.

  • Advisors can easily determine course placement based on test scores by clicking the button below:

  • Advisors should use the highest placement score to determine course placement. For example, if a student scores higher on Accuplacer than the ACT or SAT, they should use the Accuplacer score to determine course placement.

  • Advisors are encouraged to refer students to Testing Services to take the Accuplacer exam if there are no test scores on file. This can help ensure that a student does not register for either GEN 103 or 104 if they do not need the course(s). This saves time and money for students.

  • GEN 103 helps prepare students for their quantitative reasoning (QR) requirement, and GEN 104 prepares students for College Algebra (Math 111).

  • GEN 103 and 104 use computer assisted instruction (CAI) to facilitate our emporium-instructional model. This replaces traditional lecture with interactive software and on-demand personalized assistance for students. REACH tutors are embedded with instructors in our courses. To learn more, go to

Why should students take math during their first semester of enrollment?

  • Research shows that students who enroll in math classes their first semester of college are more likely to thrive and be retained compared to students who wait until later in their college career.

  • Taking math early in college enables students to build success and pursue STEM-based majors.

  • Students who delay taking math early do not perform as well as students who take it early in their college career.

State Law

  • Kentucky state law 13 KAR 2.02 ( requires all postsecondary institutions that admit students who are identified as not meeting college readiness indicators to address skill and content knowledge deficiencies. UofL/REACH offers GEN 103 and 104 to fulfill this state requirement.

  • Students are expected to complete their “credit-bearing” math class for their major within the first three semesters of enrollment.

  • Students who apply as test optional and do not take a standardized test (ACT, SAT, Accuplacer) will be required to enroll in GEN 103 and/or GEN 104.

UofL reporting requirements

  • The Kentucky Council for Postsecondary Education (CPE) requires Institutional Research to report on the number and percentage of students who successfully complete their “credit-bearing” math class within the first three semesters of enrollment.
ICLCA Learning Center of Excellence Award

REACH is a unit of Strategic Enrollment Management & Student Success

BAB 2nd Floor - 502-852-6706