

Since 2010, REACH, has consistently earned the highest level of tutor training certification from the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). REACH is one of 1,000 tutor training programs worldwide to gain certification under the CRLA. Yet, only a small percentage of those have earned this highest honor. More importantly, our students benefit from working with REACH’s highly motivated and skilled tutors for free!

Certification Levels

REACH can award CRLA certificates to individual tutors, recognizing their completion of Level I (regular), Level II (advanced), and Level 3 (master) tutor training, which includes building skills in areas such as communication, effective questioning, learning style assessment, multicultural competency, and productive tutoring techniques. CRLA Program certification also provides individual tutors with transferable skills recognized at universities and colleges nationwide, as well as marketable skill sets for future employers.

CRLA Level 1

This indicates that the tutor has been recommended by at least one faculty member for each subject tutored, has received 10 hours of training, and has completed at least 25 hours of actual tutoring.

CRLA Level 2

This indicates that after completing all requirements for CRLA Level 1, the tutor has completed 10 additional hours of training, focused on supporting diverse types of students and supporting students better within their subject area(s). The tutor has also completed at least an additional 25 hours of tutoring, bringing their total to at least 50 hours of tutoring.

CRLA Level 3

This indicates the tutor has completed 10 additional hours of training beyond CRLA Level 2 (Advanced), which is focused on Academic Support Center operations and leadership within the tutor profession. The tutor has also competed at least 25 additional hours of tutoring, bringing their total to at least 75 hours of tutoring. All Certified Master Tutors have either facilitated peer tutor training topics and/or evaluated other peer tutors. This is the highest level of certification any tutor can achieve.

About CRLA

CRLA is a group of student-oriented professionals active in the fields of reading, learning assistance, developmental education, tutoring, and mentoring at the college/adult level. Since 1989, CRLA has sponsored the rigorous International Tutor Training Certification Program, which sets an internationally accepted standard of skills and training for tutors and recognizes and awards tutor training programs (and their tutors) who are committed to successful tutoring practices.

The CRLA's International Training Program Certification is endorsed by all of the professional organizations that are members of the Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations (CLADEA).

More info can be found at: https://www.crla.net

ICLCA Learning Center of Excellence Award

REACH is a unit of Strategic Enrollment Management & Student Success

BAB 2nd Floor - 502-852-6706