

2021-2022 Executive Summary

During the 2021-22 academic year, UofL witnessed improved engagement from our undergraduate student body compared to the previous year. However, the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic revealed continuing challenges such as learning loss (especially for incoming students), heightened levels of stress and anxiety, and self-regulation struggles. In spite of these hurdles, REACH accomplishments reflect the unwavering commitment from our team in serving our undergraduates and contributing in critical ways to student success, retention, and graduation. Below is a snapshot of important metrics that were achieved.

  • Four consecutive years of closing the opportunity/performance gap between students of color and Caucasian students in our GEN 103 and 104 intervention math courses

  • Closed the opportunity gap for GEN 105 intervention reading course

  • Cohort analyses continuously demonstrate that students utilizing REACH tutoring have statistically significant increases in cumulative GPAs, retention rates, and graduation rates compared to non-users

  • Significantly expanded the peer academic coaching program, which demonstrated statistically significant GPA differences for Metro College students compared to non-participants; served as a catalyst for expanding campus participation in 2022-23AY

  • Generated over $3M in tuition revenue for A&S via our intervention course instruction

  • Received $80K from KY CPE and $25,000 from Canon to fully fund Math Xcelerator summer bridge for 80 students; 98.5% were retained from fall-to-spring and 88.7% were retained from Y1 to Y2 (to FA2022)

  • 100% of Brown Forman Engineering Academy students (47 of 47) completed our summer bridge; 77% went on to earn an A, B, or C in their first Engineering math class

  • Served 67% of the 2021 cohort through tutoring services

  • Served 4,037 unique students compared to 3,537 in 2020-21AY (+14.1%)

  • Provided 62,235.8 hours of academic support and instruction; +18.2% increase from 2020-21AY (52,649.7 hours)

  • Students utilizing REACH tutoring 6+ hours had an average cumulative GPA of 2.851 compared to only a 2.611 for those who did not utilize tutoring services (p.11, Figure 5)

  • Overall, students who utilized REACH tutoring and services in 2020-21AY had a pass rate (A, B, or C) of 77.06% and a comprehensive pass rate (A, B, C, or D) of 81.42%.

Clearly, the critical academic support and retention initiatives offered by REACH continue to positively impact students’ course grades, cumulative GPA, retention rates, and graduation rates. Year after year, students who take full advantage of REACH significantly outperform non-users. Furthermore, these services are invaluable in helping us counteract the effects of the pandemic, as well as meet the university’s 21st Century Initiative and contribute to our performance-based funding model.

Go Cards!

ICLCA Learning Center of Excellence Award

REACH is a unit of Strategic Enrollment Management & Student Success

BAB 2nd Floor - 502-852-6706