
REACH offers a number of signature programs designed to help students with their transition to UofL. Eligibility varies by program, and you can explore details, requirements, and applications (where appropriate) by clicking on the links below.

Summer Math

Each summer, REACH provides incoming freshmen the opportunity to improve their math skills and prepare for their Fall math course by participating in a Summer Math Program. Eligibility to participate in these programs is based on ACT, SAT, or Readiness Exam test scores. The summer programs are offered on-line or onsite in July.

Learning Contracts

All incoming college students whose unweighted, high school cumulative GPA was between a 2.0 – 2.49 are required to participate in a program designed to help connect them with critical academic support resources and staff who can help them with their first semester in college. We want to ensure that we are intentional with such support and do everything in our power to help you be academically successful.

Academic Coaching

Academic coaching is a service for students who want to improve their academic and self-management skills, such as time management, organization, test taking and other study skills. REACH offers this support to help students achieve their academic goals along with self-advocacy and independent, life-long learning.

REACH is a unit of Strategic Enrollment Management & Student Success

BAB 2nd Floor - 502-852-6706